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Australia's 'Miracle Man' walks through the Tatiara - Border Chronicle August 30th

The word 'inspiring' gets thrown around a lot in today's society.

However, there is one man who visited the Tatiara this week who well and truly deserves to go by that title. After being told be doctors that he would never walk again, Terry Mitropoulos has defied all expectations to not only walk again, but to attempt to walk from Adelaide to Melbourne.

In 2010, he developed a brain tumour which resulted in 13 operations. Unfortunately for Terry, it was the beginning of a long list on life threatening hurdles to overcome.

Hospitalised and in rehabilitation for four years, Terry's fight became a herculean battle and it was made even harder when he contracted a superbug which gave him a 5 per cent chance of living.

After 72 different types of medication couldn't kill the superbug, an overseas drug was brought over the rid Terry of his illness.

Fortunately for Terry the drug killed the superbug, but it also destroyed his nervous system, causing him to become a paraplegic.

News went from bad to worse when he lost his sight and hearing, resulting in doctors telling him he would walk, hear or see again.

Most normal people would deal with the cards they were dealt, but not Terry.

Through an unbelievable display of mental resilience and determination, he did something that most paraplegics never do: walk again.

It wasn't easy, but he finally got to a stage where he could walk unaided, which eventually led to him craving another challenge.

On August 17, Terry started his walk from Adelaide to Melbourne to raise awareness for mental health.

After nearly two weeks of walking, he reached the Tatiara and spent a number of hours talking to locals at the Keith Hotel-Motel.

Speaking to the Border Chronicle, Terry said despite nearly two weeks of walking, his body was holding up well.

"Apart from sustaining a hamstring problem on the third day, my body has pulled up perfectly," he said.

A family man, he said having his close family by his side during his massive walk had made the marathon effort significantly easier.

"During the walk I have learnt to have fun, whether it be listening to music and dancing with my boys it doesn't matter, I just enjoy the moment," Terry said.

"All I do is focus on each day separately, because if you look at the big picture it can become overwhelming due to the fact you don't know what you'll have to overcome in the days to come."

Covering on average 23-25km a day, Terry has passed through a number of country towns and the support shown by "strangers" has been overwhelming.

"I have gone through towns where I will have people crying on my shoulder," Terry said.

"That's why I make sure I find time to reach out to the people who are supporting the cause.

"It is important that we all help each other, because together we can achieve anything."

As of August 29, Terry and his team have raised over $42,000 for the Black Dog Institute and YMCA's Open Door program.

Almost halfway through his journey, Terry will continue to walk after passing through the "Good Country", with people across the country cheering him on as slowly reaches Melbourne.


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