Australia's miracle man
Terry's Story
Extraordinary people do extraordinary things, Terry has endured challenges most of us couldn’t, as cliched as it sounds, the cliché is a reality. He has stared down death, risen out of a wheel chair, refused to quit.
After being diagnosed with a brain tumor in 2010, Terry underwent 29 brain procedures and surgeries over 2 years. He had to learn to speak, stand and walk again. Unable to conduct even basic human tasks that we all take for granted, such has holding and drinking a cup of water.
Hospitalised and in rehabilitation for nearly four years, Terry’s fight became a monumental battle. In hospital, he contracted a super bug where doctors gave him a 5% chance of surviving. He was on 72 different types of medication in various combinations.
The compounding effects of Terry’s surgeries, the super bug causing a blockage to his spinal cord, spinal surgery, a mechanical valve in his brain, all caused Terry’s body to suffer a major stroke.
Terry was then given a drug from overseas to kill the super bug, but in turn it began to destroy his nervous system. This lead to him to lose his sight and major parts of his hearing. Terry would go on to become a paraplegic, and was told by doctors he would never walk again.
But miracles do happen, and through excessive rehabilitation and determination, Terry was able to bring his quality of life back.
He has regained his sight but endures peripheral damage and double vision and remains deaf in one ear. Terry has his life back, his independence and is no longer reliant on others to live.
The need to overcome any challenge Terry says, is to have mental resilience that enables you to endure the fight. He wants to raise awareness of the importance of how working together anything can be achieved.