The time has come our dear supporters of Walk and Shine.. Set your alarm clocks on Friday 27th September because the miracle man is coming home!!
Only 6 days to go and less than 100kms till Terry reaches his final destination at Federation Square.
Please join us for the best welcome home party! Terry will be over the moon to see everyone there that has supported him along this incredible journey.
Join us on either of the following options:
1- Meet at The Park Hyatt (1 Parliament Place) from 7am to walk 1.5kms to Federation Square with Terry;
2- Be part of the welcoming committee along with the set of Sunrise at Federation Square where he will arrive at approx. 8:30am (be sure to be there well before).
Once the media formalities have concluded, we are hosting an after party from approx. 9:30am at The Clocks (Shop 17 The Concourse, Flinders St Station).
So come along with your family and friends on this public holiday morning and witness the miracle man who set out to walk from Adelaide to Melbourne to achieve the impossible all in the name of raising awareness for mental health.
Look forward to seeing you all there,
The Walk and Shine team ☔️🌨☀️